💫Making Yourself a Priority💫 - by Anupama ojha
Making Yourself a Priority is important. It's okay if your heart has changed a bit along with the plans you thought were something written in concrete to turn to stone. It's okay if you're suddenly realizing, this thing, this person, this opportunity isn't the one for me anymore. It's okay if you feel like you might let someone down or disappoint them in the next choice you make because now it's gotta be one for you. Plans change, hearts stop beating for certain things then get captivated by something or someone else. And trying to navigate and understand the confusion and complexity of your feelings sometimes force you to stay in places you've outgrown.
We stay in places not meant for us anymore because it's familiar or we stay fearing letting someone down and hurting them. But we only end up hurt ourselves in the process of trying to please everyone.
When you outgrown something or someone even that security isn't enough for you to be confident standing somewhere you know you shouldn't be. You feel it in every inch of your bone. At first it's a quiet whisper that soon turns into a roar that later turns into a scream saying, "I NEED TO LEAVE."
Be proud of yourself for making yourself a priority. Be proud of yourself for taking control of your life in a way you're demanding change. Even if that change can be a little scary and unknown. There is chaos, confusion, sadness, frustration, stress to figuring out what is right for you. But once you get a hint of what that might be and where you can go, if you find the courage within yourself to leave, there's happiness, being content, fulfillment, a weight lifted off your shoulder you forgot you were even carrying on the other side.
It's difficult to leave until you actually do then you realize that pit in your stomach, that aching for more, that need for something, anything different were all signs that leaving was essential. And once you do you'll realize leaving should have been the easiest choice. And that choice might not be understood by others and might be questioned. But the choices you make that directly influence your life, your happiness and wellbeing comes before anyone else's opinions or judgment.
_Anupama ojha