
Showing posts from March, 2021

"I'd choose you over and over again" by Anupama ojha

"I'd choose you, over and over again" Once-in-a-lifetime you have to fall in love, what I meant by love is the Fortunate and the unconditional love. Once you've found the right one for yourself, you won't feel the same way for anyone else. You'll willingly spend a lifetime with them, no questions asked. To be in love is like voluntarily drinking a potion, not knowing if it'll kill you slowly or if it'll bring you happiness - but your risk it anyway. in love, you choose to put yourself through things with no certainty of a forever, but when you are truly in love, you do all of it anyway. You take a road not knowing if the road will lead to someplace beautiful or if it will lead to somewhere shady, you simply smile, and trust the journey and your companion. There is not many things to love, but when you do you love too much you wake up every day and remind yourself why you began in the very first place, because that's what you do in love - you choose...

Just like love, heartbreaks don't last.😊 - by Anupama ojha

I lost you, even before you left.- By Anupama ojha

I lost you, even before you left.🙂🙂 Someone dedicates your favorite song over the radio for their long-distance lover and I couldn't help but think about you. The sound of your laugh crossing my mind, like a winter night slowly passing by my window. It's so hard to not talk to someone anymore who almost looked like everything. On some days, my fingers almost run on your name; almost type another apology; almost caress your profile pic - but always hits the backspace. I think of you sometimes like that one 11:11 wish, that I missed just by a second which is to say, it almost happened and then broke apart. Do you see how many “almosts" have grown us apart? I don't know why you just walked away - but I have accepted that maybe life happens like that. I have accepted that sometimes no number of hugs and rain-walks can keep two people together. I still smile when it rains remembering how you danced in it. I still read our letters. I still randomly type your number. I stil...