
Showing posts from November, 2023

πŸ•Š No one feels like you! By - Anupama Ojha

πŸ•Š No one feels like you! πŸ•Š When it comes to conversations, I've never been fond of clichΓ©s. One of the most repeated of those has been  “ The lore of the journey being more beautiful than the destination .”  bullshit!  My life's journey has never been beautiful, and you know it.  We met when I was a bitter, battered, bewildered soul. Angry at the world, angry at myself. However you saw past all that, didn't you? You figured I was not just angry. I was scared. scared of the world, of the way my heart had been broken, frightened at how I had been abandoned. And you sheltered me. With your jokes, your laughs, your kindness. When I shied away from everyone else, imagining myself to be a misfit, you broke the ice of conversations and of my heart. You made me return to my first love, of books and poetry. Your perfect crimson suit and affection was a catalyst, a reason for me to start wearing a saree again. You didn't make me feel crazy for writing letters, you wrote back...