
Showing posts from October, 2021


💟💟💟💟 HOPE 💟💟💟💟  So the truth is this, One day you will wake up and the choices you make will not be ones out of pain but rather one that reflects a heart that has healed and time is the only thing that will get you to that place.  I know it's frustrating and difficult and it feels like you're moving in slow motion to get to that place. But if anything took a long time to get over that just means it was real. My hope is with enough time you'll heal. You'll learn to love again and in doing so the pain you feel will make sense.  My hope is you get the closure you deserve even if that's simply closure within yourself and you learn to do what you have to, to move forward.  My hope is you realize that what you're feeling right now although it seems all consuming it will pass and you'll become stronger and better for it.  Sometimes temporary people take up permanent places within our heart and that is okay to take them with us. If we were required to forget...