Dear Ambiverts. By Anupama ojha

Dear Ambiverts, Here's to the ones who can't stop talking to their friend, but go quiet when a new person shows up and they just stand there awkwardly. On some days, you are a social butterfly, forcing your friends to go out. And on others, you are the one Canceling the plans because mom said ''no." Sometimes, you need people around you. And then there are days when you just want to be left alone with netflix, and a jar of nutella. People think that you are this calm' and 'composed person. Well, the joke's on them. Those who think this way haven't met your best friend yet, Clearly. You are a hopeless Romantic when it comes to Relationships and you really do not understand how casual flings actually work. You love conversations in which you can get lost. You don't stop talking when you're comfortable or you won't speak up at all. Life has been pretty weird for you, hasn't t? You aren't a part of that 'cool' squad of y...