
Showing posts from January, 2021

Dear Ambiverts. By Anupama ojha

Dear Ambiverts, Here's to the ones who can't stop talking to their friend, but go quiet when a new person shows up and they just stand there awkwardly. On some days, you are a social butterfly, forcing your friends to go out. And on others, you are the one Canceling the plans because mom said ''no." Sometimes, you need people around you. And then there are days when you just want to be left alone with netflix, and a jar of nutella. People think that you are this calm' and 'composed person. Well, the joke's on them. Those who think this way haven't met your best friend yet, Clearly. You are a hopeless Romantic when it comes to Relationships and you really do not understand how casual flings actually work. You love conversations in which you can get lost. You don't stop talking when you're comfortable or you won't speak up at all. Life has been pretty weird for you, hasn't t? You aren't a part of that 'cool' squad of y...

Life just happens like that. By anupama ojha

Life just happens like that❤🎭 You have started to have feelings for them. You feel like "the one" is finally here. They too seem to like you back but there's a glitch that nobody tells you ,Sometimes feelings are not everything needed to make it work. Sometimes, feelings don't always mean love. Not every time someone likes you will accept to be with you and there is nothing you can do about that. You just have to accept the fact that sometimes two people can fall for each other, and still not be together. You see, you are flawed. And so are they. But some of us are so scared of our own scars - that they don't have the heart to accept somebody else's scars too. It's not your fault. It's nobody's fault. Life just happens like that. You meet someone they look like the last thing you want to look at, slowly days and nights feel better when you think of them, and one day you realise they too feel something for you - But that's the end of the story....

To the one who left by Anupama ojha

TO THE ONE WHO LEFT.💔 The last memory I have of you is of that morning when were driving towards the station. I have some memory of some beautiful conversation with you holding my hand and 'perfect song' playing in the background. I never knew that the next morning will bring the news of the sudden death of our relationship.  You looked at me and said that it was time for you to leave. It was that moment in time when you had realized that whatever we had between us wasn't enough to make you stay. Well to tell you the truth, I always felt that our love would end like this, suddenly, out of nowhere. I felt this coming every time, I watched you fumble before you said, "..I LOVE YOU." I felt this coming because of the hesitation that you showed before holding my hand in public. It felt as your love was the sand that I was trying to hold in my fist, It kept slipping, as I tried harder to keep it in my palms, our love felt like that seasonal river that dries up ever...

Anupama ojha.

  THE REASON WHY WE FORGIVE ❤💔🥀 You're imperfect, you suck at telling people how you feel you've habits that you can't let go you hide too much of your feelings and you don't like to be told that your art is bad, or you are wrong.  On most days, your phone calls have uncomfortable silences and you don't open up. And then there are days you don't disconnect the call until it's 3 am. You put yourself first, sometimes you bail out of plans when you don't feel like going. You cancel dates at the last minute. You walk out of the room when you have an argument with your parents. You aren't easy to love. You have your flaws. You trust too often. You love too hard you find it hard to let go. It's not easy with you, little things hurt you. You tell the wrong people your secrets. These are your little imperfections. But it's okay. Sometimes, you don't have to apologize for being yourself for being someone who is not good with people. Just don...

Anupama ojha

  # Anupamaojha